Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ray Charles Can See It

A medic at work gave me this ekg and told me about this call he ran and that the STEMI was so obvious that Ray Charles could see it. Maybe he could, but if so, what would he be seeing? What do you see going on here with this pt?
This patient is 46 years old and has some cardiac history. He was awoken up from sleep with substernal chest pain. His skin was diaphoretic. He was given 4 NTG and morphine en route to the ER.
HR 75
BP 140/70
PR 176
QRS 119
QTC 433
Click on EKG’s to enlarge or press CTRL and + to zoom in on ekgs

Here is the 12 lead

This patient did make a trip to the Cath Lab shortly after arrival at the ER. Great Job to the Crew that ran this call and thanks so much for sharing.

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